Monday, December 30, 2019

Developing World Class Strategic Leadership Essay

Develop strategies for organisational development †¢ Attract and retain high quality staff: It is vital that we attract and retain a globally diverse community of high quality staff at all levels with the relevant knowledge, skills and competencies to achieve excellence in order to realise University ambitions and effectively compete in a global market. †¢ Strategically align individual performance and development planning: Through personal learning and development all staff should fully understand their role and have the opportunity to contribute to strategic delivery. This will be achieved through the alignment of individual performance objectives with College/School/Research Institute/Service plans. We will provide staff with an enabling environment to realise their full potential and career aspirations through effective talent management and succession planning. †¢ Build leadership capacity and ensure capability development: Maximise the capability of all our staff and build leadership capacity through the application of a comprehensive Organisational Development framework to build world class strategic leadership. †¢ Applying equitable, flexible and fair pay and performance systems that reward excellence: A flexible and responsive approach to reward and the ability to recognise excellence is paramount in the provision of globally competitive ‘employment’ packages to distinguish the University as an ‘employer of choice’. Staff can expect equitable, fair and transparent payShow MoreRelatedPersonal Goals And Objectives Of The Us Air War College995 Words   |  4 Pagespreparing future strategic leaders. 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