Monday, December 30, 2019
Developing World Class Strategic Leadership Essay
Develop strategies for organisational development †¢ Attract and retain high quality staff: It is vital that we attract and retain a globally diverse community of high quality staff at all levels with the relevant knowledge, skills and competencies to achieve excellence in order to realise University ambitions and effectively compete in a global market. †¢ Strategically align individual performance and development planning: Through personal learning and development all staff should fully understand their role and have the opportunity to contribute to strategic delivery. This will be achieved through the alignment of individual performance objectives with College/School/Research Institute/Service plans. We will provide staff with an enabling environment to realise their full potential and career aspirations through effective talent management and succession planning. †¢ Build leadership capacity and ensure capability development: Maximise the capability of all our staff and build leadership capacity through the application of a comprehensive Organisational Development framework to build world class strategic leadership. †¢ Applying equitable, flexible and fair pay and performance systems that reward excellence: A flexible and responsive approach to reward and the ability to recognise excellence is paramount in the provision of globally competitive ‘employment’ packages to distinguish the University as an ‘employer of choice’. Staff can expect equitable, fair and transparent payShow MoreRelatedPersonal Goals And Objectives Of The Us Air War College995 Words  | 4 Pagespreparing future strategic leaders. 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(Novicevic Harvey, 2001). discuses about the vast growth of globalisation and internationalisation and Human Resource Management (HRM) and its strategic move. 2.1 Talent Management â€Å"Corporations have learned that, depending on what your business strategy is and what challenges you may face, at any given time you need the right talent to execute that strategy or deal with that challenge,†(GebeleinRead MoreLeadership Strengths And Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities And Threats1003 Words  | 5 Pagespurpose of this assessment is to provide insight on both leadership strengths and impotencies. 9/10 = Energy/ 90% --â€Å"Dealing with challenges that abound in today’s world requires a high level of energy†(Casse, 2014) 5/10= Focus/ 50%--â€Å"In a turnaround world full of unexpected surprises and demands, leaders must be able to prioritise and, in so doing, focus on what is important at the moment in question†(Casse, 2014). 4/10 = Speed/40% --â€Å"In a world in which change is rapid and accelerating, leaders mustRead MoreSuccess Directing Technology Driven Business Transformation1297 Words  | 6 PagesTechnology Leader and Business Transformation Expert with demonstrated success directing technology driven business transformation in Fortune 500 and large public sector organizations delivering bottom line measurable benefit. 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MG Chilcoat envisioned the â€Å"Fourth†USAWC lasting fifteen to twenty years, when a new cycle of change would be required to ensure the college remained â€Å"the nation’s preeminent center for strategic leadership and landpower.†ThisRead MoreRyanair Strategy1069 Words  | 5 PagesYat-Sen University Strategic Management Professor: Richard Lihua Individual Reflection Date:April 13, 2013 Student: Wu Yanfei (12211208) 1 ç› ®Ã¥ ½â€¢ 1. Knowledge Reflection ........................................................................ 3 2. Individual Experiences on Strategic Management Reflection ............. 6 3. Future Expectations ........................................................................... 7 2 1. Knowledge Reflection Strategic Management is the spiritRead MoreCourse schedule IST7100 1 1 1589 Words  | 7 PagesStrategy AUTHOR: Pearson Custom Library ISBN: 978-1-269-12350-1 If you would like more precise information regarding the textbook(s) for this class, please visit the bookstore website at METHOD OF CONTACT: Best way to contact me is via email; additionally, I am available before and after class. PREREQUISITE: IST7000, IST7020, IST7040, IST7060 All courses are open to students from all divisions. Only where a course is preceded by an introductionRead MoreBoeing Companys Goals and Actions1642 Words  | 7 PagesAbstract This paper analyzes the goals and actions of Boeing by analyzing its critical success factors as well as its strategic roadmap. Introduction The Boeing Corporation is one of the largest manufacturers in the world. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019
David Walker ( 1785-1830 ) Traces For Events That...
David Walker (1785-1830) traces for events that transpired during the civil war and the spiritual revivals of the African American person. Also the Christian people are the Afro-American practices within the culture always are important for than country, also it implicated the national problems and support with family would be to ask the God of justice? But the children subject ignorance and deracination, aggressive to last privation would he ask to be God? Alluring of which ought to be slavery to the American person and children forever is the main problem. Too it is the most egregious historical analysis of slavery that condition crueler. Almost deign an  ¬Ã‚ ¬enlighten and Christian people. Only they created characters that†¦show more content†¦It is because in those times slaves were black, that he wanted to secure equality for them. So he aspired for them to go to school to educate and to have the same freedom, rights of whites. For a Black man to speak publicly at th e time was revolutionary and also very dangerous. He appeared as a continent at the crossroads of many religions. The one expect to personality was him spoke commenced to being tradition in the African America, he women wear the traditional, a long dress that covers them from head to toe and only frees a portion of the face the minimum categories for the race are now†Within the religious system and the daily life of African spirits are beings who are central. They make this group the spirits of the good elders who left their offspring. They can also enter this group spirits of righteous men and women who died young because them their religious tradition, because the religion is very important for your life. In Long ago, it has been presented as a continent at the crossroads of many religions, mainly cultural traditions. With the process of colonization, most Africans do not openly accept the spiritual heritage of newcomers with their religion. With the model of Church univers al call it Catholic or Evangelical. Deeply religious and attached to their traditions, Africans were determined to live their relationship with God according to their culture and aspirations. Evangelization was accused
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Internet Marketing Strategies of Hsbc Free Essays
In line with HSBC’s aim for development with global focus, the company was able to adopt a strategy, which enhances its technology development through information systems operations. This strategy was able to increase staff retention rates, and decrease staff turnover, which brings greater continuity and efficiency to the company’s projects (Annesley 2006). Moreover, in terms of internet communications, HSBC has a single global center of excellence for e-commerce IT, made up of collocated businesses and staff, distributed in international offices, such as in New Jersey, Chicago, Canada, Hong Kong and London. We will write a custom essay sample on Internet Marketing Strategies of Hsbc or any similar topic only for you Order Now In accordance to this, HSBC was also able to implement and introduce another feature of HSBC. com, the HSBCnet, which is its developed key global platform, designed for commercial customers in other countries. HSBCnet includes services for global markets, global cash management and investment banking that are being used regularly by corporate customers. Moreover, as an response to the need of security, the company has developed a second-generation internet technologies, exposing customers to intelligent, personalized content and better targeted marketing, and this feature allows the customers to save time, avoid repetition of tasks by pre-filling in application forms, to come back to a product offer, and get to the end of an application process (Annesley 2006). Furthermore, the company has also developed the successful credit card authorization and accounting platform, which consists of linked applications, such as credit assessment, risk-based pricing, card ordering and transaction processing and reporting (Annesley 2006). These strategies enabled HSBC to gain competitive advantage over their competitors, by implementing an effective and efficient Internet-based information system. These strategies become relevant to the problems of Nokia because like HSBC, they can also develop the same strategies and use them for their own advantage How to cite Internet Marketing Strategies of Hsbc, Essays
Friday, December 6, 2019
International Relation in Asian Economies-Free-Samples for Students
Question: Discuss about the International relation and Global economy. Answer: Introduction: A remarkable record of sustained and high economic growth was witnessed in East Asian economies and compared to all region of world, twenty East Asias economies, the growth rate was faster. Getting basic rights was the main reason behind high growth achievement and the principle engines of growth comprised of rapidly growing human capital and private domestic investment. High level of investments in the economies was sustained by high level of domestic financial savings. Compared to other developing world, East Asian economies witnessed declining growth in population rate (Burchill et al. 2013). The major ingredient of rapid economic growth was fundamentally sound development policy. Essential framework of private investment was provided by unusually stable macro-economic performance and macroeconomic management. World Bank in its report of East Asian miracle 1993, describes the policies associated with rapid growth by expanding in neoclassical views. This has provided with systemati c clarification how carefully limited and effective government activism has helped developing countries in experiencing rapid growth. It has been argued by neo classical adherents that low relative price distortions was mainly because of absence of distortionary and price control policies and orientation of these economies towards international trade (Baylis et al. 2017). Discussion: The public policies of eight high performing economies is examined in the World Bank report for year 1965 to 1990. Report helps in uncovering the role of policies that helped in improving human welfare, economic growth and equitable distribution of income in Japan, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Republic of Korea, Thailand and Taiwan. Sound policies development helped in stabilization of high performing Asian economies that led to high growth. The more equitable distribution of income within these economies has enabled to maintain commitment to share new prosperity. It has been depicted by report that rapid accumulation of capital was promoted by public policies by encouraging high level of domestic savings and making banks more reliable. These Asian economies increased their skilled labor force by providing better primary and secondary education and universal primary schooling. Success of these high performing economies was attributable to several factors such as regulat ory and legal structures, welcoming of new technology, and policies of agriculture boosting productivity. Rapid development in economies of these countries was mainly because of targeting of key industries (Navaretti and Tarr 2017). Management of resources allocation was strictly done in key areas. Marketing institutions established by government helped in promoting trade in manufacturing exports. Effectiveness of such interventions by government is argued by analyst. However, they agree to the fact that the expansion would have not been sustainable and dramatic in the absence of development and stability of physical and human capital and macroeconomic stability foundation. As per the report, macroeconomic stability within these economies was created because of their basic developmental policies. Report depicts that reasons why changing global economy does not require government interventions (Jackson and Srensen 2015). World Bank Report articulates market friendly strategy by describing the appropriate government role is to ensure making adequate investment in people, keeping the economy open to international trade, providing climate for private enterprise and thereby helps in maintaining stable macro economy. It has been argued by the report that unless government intervention in market is friendly, they are more likely to do harm than good. The exhaustive view for the last thirty years about developing economies depicts that attempts to allocate resources with non-market mechanisms have not been able to improve economic performance (Nye and Welch 2016). The growth of High East Asian economies can be explained by using a framework that explain about potential mixes of public policies across economies. Elements of understanding the success such economies can be explained by broadly viewing the relationship between rapid growth and public policy that can be understood by using a functional approach. Three central functions of allocation, accumulation and growth in productivity can be achieved by contribution from policy. Basis of rapid growth in the East Asian economies were because of fundamentals of market oriented policies (Gilpin 2016). The potential to contribute to growth for addressing economic coordination problems were driven by interventionist policies. Successful implementation and definition of policies was mainly because of institutions and this helps in supporting competitive discipline at high level. This can be explained with the help of an instance, improved allocation though reduction of instability in level of price and vigorous accumulation through investment rate were mainly attributable to macroeconomic management. Level of financial savings and high productivity investments increased due to secure and effective financial system. Superior accumulation of East Asian economies was relatively because of equal distribution of income and rapid growth (Duffield 2014). The success of Asia economies can be attributed to number of factors as explained in the report presented by World Band and they are as follows: Export growth and achieving macroeconomic stability- Macroeconomic management was the characteristics of high performing Asian economies. Fiscal deficit was limited to the extent that they could be easily financed by responding quickly to fiscal pressures and without increasing inflationary pressures. The terms of trade shocks was adjusted quickly by the macroeconomic policies compared to low and middle economies. Rapid growth in export was contributed by such stability and reduction in expenditures was made by policies of adjusting exchange rate. Export was promoted by variety of approaches such as duty free imports for exporters, tax incentives export credit and export target. Development of export was based on foreign direct investment and broadly based incentives (Deresky 2017). Building institutional basis for growth-The political regime of East Asia was described as developmental states that leads to the intervention and devising of well honored interventions. The principle of shared growth was established by East Asian leaders that all groups in economy would be benefitted due to expansion. Share of future wealth was demonstrated by explicit mechanisms. A business friendly environment was built by leaders in high performing economies. Private investment received hospitality from regulatory and legal structure. Deliberation council was established by some economy such as Korea, Japan, Singapore and Malaysia. Information exchange was facilitated between government, private sector, firms and management with the help of deliberation council (Hollifield et al. 2014). Accumulating physical and human capital- A combination of interventionist and fundamental policies was used by East Asian economies for achieving rapid accumulation of physical and human resources. Some intervention policies involves state capitalism, mild repression of interest rate, risk socialization and mandatory saving mechanisms. Fundamental policies involves government obligations such as education, adequate infrastructure, securing financial institutions and education. Equitable distribution of income was contributed by education policies of these economies. Low inequality was reinforced by educational expansion. Such policies helped in increasing savings and investment within economy. Volatility of higher interest rates on deposits was ensured by avoiding inflation and compared to other developing countries, higher interest rates on deposits in the financial system was offered by high performing Asian economies (Mundy and Verger 2015). Productivity change and efficient allocation- Allocation of resources could have been adversely affected by policies favoring accumulation in Asian economies including socialization, financial repression and risk bounding. Important aspects of success of East Asia was captured by market friendly approach and these economies are characterized by high share of international trade in gross domestic product, micro economically stable, strong competition among firms and investing heavily in people. There are different policy instruments and allocation of resources among private sector is guided by extensive intervention of government in market. Export push strategy as a part of encouraging growth of rapid manufactured exports has resulted in several benefits (Stubbs 2017). Some of the benefits involve increase foreign technology acquisition, rapid growth in productivity and efficient allocation. The urban wages were closed to supply price of labor because of income growth and higher produ ctivity in agriculture. The income of rural and urban labor possessing similar skills have witnessed a rough increase. Credit allocation in these economy was influenced by creation of financial institutions, improving selection of private banks by regulation enforcement and using public and private banks to direct credit to specific firms (Neilson et al. 2014). The careful interventions of policies have benefitted in terms of rapid growth experienced by Japan and most of East Asian economies. Several cost were incurred due to such interventions and such cost were held by high East Asian economies government within defined limits. In light of these, explicit subsidies and international interest rates were fiscally manageable sounds. Government quickly abandons and modifies such intervention if it poses threat to economic stability (Preston and Windsor 2013). Informal economic linkages have benefitted East Asian economies by encouraging flows of investment and trade. The world economic system was emerged due to integration of Asian ports due to trade expansion and European military. Stage of rapid growth of East Asian economies was set from assistance of US in rebuilding Japan after World War II followed by military spending and massive economic assistance by US. A substantial boost was received by Japanese industry from provisioning of US troops in Korea. This is so because some of conglomerates in Korea initiated selling services and goods in during war in Vietnam to US military (Guttmann 2016). The adoption of imitative strategies is facilitated by regional linkages in activities of both private and public sector. A model of potential instruments for growth was provided by impressed policy makers of East Asia. The flow of capital was facilitated by geographical proximity in an attempt to take advantage of lower wage by mobility of factories of labor extensive exports of North Asian manufacturers. The dynamism of Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia received significant contribution from investment surge flowing from countries such as Japan, Korea, Hong Kong and Korea and Taiwan (O'brien and Williams 2016). The liberal treatment of foreign investment have helped in encouraging these linkages. Investors have received assistance in relatively free movement of capital from information network and informal credit. Positive regional externalities have benefitted East Asian economies in addition to imitation and direct linkages. Networks were established for sourcing the products of East Asian economies by trading with Western importers and Japan. East Asian producers had the rare opportunities to enter international market by imposing quantitative restrictions on Japanese products (O'brien and Williams 2016). Pragmatic flexibility is one of the assurances of economic policy making in high performing East Asian economies. The policies instrument of government was tied in pursuits of economic developments. In light of these, failed instruments were abandoned and instruments that worker were retained. Thus, when the macroeconomic stability of Korea and Malaysia was threatened, government took measures to reduce the promotion of chemical and heavy industries (Buzan and Lawson 2013). Conclusion: The search for explaining the policies leading to success of East Asian economies and the growth in these economies can be contributed by the potentiality of more interventionist policies. In order to achieve success and addressing of coordination problems can be done by combining the cooperation benefits and contest creation. There are two set of factors on which effective implementation of contests depends. First is flexibility and pragmatism of high performing Asian economies government and the second is insulation, competence and relative deficiency of corruptibility of public administration in Korea and Japan. References list: Baylis, J., Owens, P. and Smith, S. eds., 2017.The globalization of world politics: An introduction to international relations. Oxford University Press. Burchill, S., Linklater, A., Devetak, R., Donnelly, J., Nardin, T., Paterson, M., Reus-Smit, C. and True, J., 2013.Theories of international relations. Palgrave Macmillan. Buzan, B. and Lawson, G., 2013. The global transformation: The nineteenth century and the making of modern international relations.International Studies Quarterly,57(3), pp.620-634. Buzan, B. and Lawson, G., 2015.The global transformation: history, modernity and the making of international relations(Vol. 135). Cambridge University Press. Deresky, H., 2017.International management: Managing across borders and cultures. Pearson Education India. Duffield, M., 2014.Global governance and the new wars: The merging of development and security. Zed Books Ltd.. Gilpin, R., 2016.The political economy of international relations. Princeton University Press. Guttmann, R., 2016.How Credit-money Shapes the Economy: The United States in a Global System: The United States in a Global System. Routledge. Guzzini, S., 2013.Realism in International Relations and International Political Economy: the continuing story of a death foretold. Routledge. Hollifield, J., Martin, P. and Orrenius, P., 2014.Controlling immigration: A global perspective. Stanford University Press. Jackson, R. and Srensen, G., 2015.Introduction to international relations: theories and approaches. Oxford university press. Kublkov, V., 2015.International relations in a constructed world. Routledge. Mundy, K. and Verger, A., 2015. The World Bank and the global governance of education in a changing world order.International Journal of Educational Development,40, pp.9-18. Navaretti, G.B. and Tarr, D.G., 2017. International knowledge flows and economic performance: A review of the evidence. InTrade Policies for Development and Transition(pp. 129-143). Neilson, J., Pritchard, B. and Yeung, H.W.C., 2014. Global value chains and global production networks in the changing international political economy: An introduction.Review of International Political Economy,21(1), pp.1-8. Nye Jr, J.S. and Welch, D.A., 2016.Understanding global conflict and cooperation: an introduction to theory and history. Pearson. O'brien, R. and Williams, M., 2016.Global political economy: Evolution and dynamics. Palgrave Macmillan. Preston, L.E. and Windsor, D., 2013.The rules of the game in the global economy: Policy regimes for international business. Springer Science Business Media. Stubbs, R., 2017.Rethinking Asia's economic miracle: The political economy of war, prosperity and crisis. Palgrave.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Ethics, No Secrets Policy and Counselor Values Essay Example
Ethics, No Secrets Policy and Counselor Values Essay Bullet Point Responses Julie Sanders * I believe it is unethical for the counselor to reveal anything said in individual counseling with the husband. She didn’t address a â€Å"no secrets†policy in the informed consent. Sharing this information with the wife without his permission is unethical. In marriage counseling the â€Å"no secrets†policy needs to be addressed and explained in the informed consent. Since she did not have a policy concerning this, she is bound by confidentiality which should have been in her informed consent. It is not the job of the counselor to instill his/her values onto a client. The counselor shold try to remain as neutral as possible. Even if the husband feels the extra-marital relationship is enhancing the marriage, his wife still doesn’t know about it, and he seems to be the only one benefitting from the affair. The counselor should remain as neutral as possible when discussing this with the husband and encourage him to brin g this up in a conjoint session. It is not the therapist’s decision to make since she did not have a â€Å"no â€Å"secrets policy in place. I don’t think the therapist should â€Å"persuade†the husband to give up the affair or bring it up in joint counseling. In my opinion that is still imposing her values on the client. With that said, I do think, in a sense, that the therapist is colluding with the husband. However, she is responsible for the situation by not clearly stating confidentiality and â€Å"no secrets†in her informed consent. * According to Corey (p. 98) counselors should have a process of self-examination to discover their own biases, beliefs and values. I think it is unethical to refer a client because of a therapist’s personal beliefs. Saying that, if the counselor has strongly held beliefs and values, they should be addressed in the informed consent and explained to client’s before the counseling process begins. This would give the counselor basis for referral. Since the counselor is bound by confidentiality, she cannot tell the wife of the husband’s affair, but if the counselor addressed value’s bias in the informed consent, she can offer that as a reason for referral. It is not the counselor’s job, nor is it ethical for the counselor to inform the wife of the affair. * I don’t believe it is in the best interest of the original client (the husband) for the counselor to offer marriage counseling to the couple. The scenario does not address the training of the counselor in this field. If I were the counselor, I would continue to see the husband, dealing with his issues and refer the couple to a marriage counselor. Assignment Questions Julie Sanders ii) I want you to read over the informed consent and make sure you both understand the guidelines we will be operating from. We will write a custom essay sample on Ethics, No Secrets Policy and Counselor Values specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Ethics, No Secrets Policy and Counselor Values specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Ethics, No Secrets Policy and Counselor Values specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer There are several important sections that I would like you both to understand before signing the form. I’ll be happy to discuss and answer any questions regarding these areas. In the beginning of the consent for is a section I would like to bring your attention the purpose of therapy, procedures, the possibility of a negative outcome, possible benefits, fee structures, your rights and responsibilities and also either one of you can withdraw at any time (Corey, p. 474). I have a â€Å"no secrets†policy. Since you are here for couple’s counseling I feel you need to be open and honest with each other. If one of you shares a â€Å"secret†with me individually that I might feel necessary to share, I will decide if it needs to be shared with your spouse. iii) I will not share my values with you regarding marriage or extramarital affairs I don’t think it would be ethical because it could sway your decision making, and how I personally feel about an issue is not the problem being addressed. For your best interests, I feel it is best that I remain as neutral as possible. v) In the beginning of the counseling process along with informed consent I would address the issue of blindsiding a partner. The clients and I would address the issues involved in being honest as opposed to being â€Å"brutally†honest in a way that could cause harm. If after discussing the effects of an ambush, it happens anyway, I would ask the â€Å"ambushee†how that made them feel an d the ambusher the reasoning behind the â€Å"attack. †Hopefully this would encourage a rational, honest and meaningful dialogue between the two.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Advanced Hypothesis Testing
Advanced Hypothesis Testing We will identify the feasibility of hiring temporary employees as opposed to working current employees into overtime at Proctor Gamble (PG). For example, PG employees earn an average of $25 dollars per hour and are entitled to many benefits like medical, dental, vision, and various employee assistance benefits. By hiring temporary employees, PG circumvent the need for benefits to that group of people.PG is a global corporation, employing over 98,000 people throughout the world. Recently, the company was rated fifth for the quality of its products and services and fourth for innovation. Overall, PG was ranked fourth on the Fortune list of the top five most admired companies (PG, n.d.).PG has one of the largest and strongest portfolios of trusted brands, including Pampers, Tide, Ariel, Always, Pantene, Bounty, Folgers, Pringles, Charmin, Downy, Iams, Crest, Actonel and Olay (PG, n.d.). The United States has different manufacturing plants in: Phoenix, Arizona, Russellville, Arkansas, O xnard, Anaheim, and Sacramento, California, Dover, Delaware, Albany, Atlanta, and Augusta, Georgia, Iowa City, Iowa, Kansas City, Kansas, Alexandria and New Orleans, Louisiana, Auburn, Maine, Hunt Valley, Maryland, Aurora, Nebraska, Avenel and South Brunswick, New Jersey, Greensboro and Henderson, North Carolina, Cincinnati (H.Q.),English: Mountains over Cayey municipality of Puer...Lima, Leipsic, and Lewisburg, Ohio, Mehoopany, Pennsylvania, North Sioux, South Dakota, Jackson, Tennessee, Sherman, Texas, Green Bay, Wisconsin, and Cayey, Puerto Rico (PG. n.d.).Our advanced null hypothesis is that by using temporary employees, Proctor Gamble will spend greater than or equal to what salaried employees earn. Our alternate is that Proctor Gamble will spend equal to or less than what salaried employees are paid. The level of significance is 95%.The test statistic used is the one sample t-test. T equals the mean minus the population mean divided by the sample divided by the square root o f the number.The decision rule is to accept the alternate hypothesis because the critical values fall within range.Descriptive Statistics: Wages/hrVariable N N* Mean SE Mean StDev Minimum Q1 Median Q3Wages/hr 35 1 13.471 0.265 1.567 10.500 12.500 13.500 15.000Variable MaximumWages/hr 17.000One-Sample Z: Wages/hrThe assumed standard deviation = 1.56795%UpperVariable N Mean StDev SE Mean BoundWages/hr 35 13.4714 1.5669 0.2649 13.9071One-Sample T95%UpperN Mean StDev SE Mean Bound35 13.4710 1.5670 0.2649 13.9189ReferenceProctor Gamble. Retrieved March 23, 2006 from:
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Business strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Business strategy - Essay Example Careful analysis of the case study on Honda Motor Company shows that the company was never driven by the strategic purpose to survive in the domestic marketplace of Japan; rather, the company always thrived for excellence in the international marketplace. For example, in the initial years, the company realised they needed to manufacture efficient, lighter and powerful engines which could not only meet the demand of local customers but also attract international customers (refer to the Honda case study). SWOT analysis in the appendix 3 is showing that technological capabilities are the major strength of Honda and the company has used its strategic purpose to excel in international market. As mentioned in the PESTLE analysis done in Appendix 1, the Japanese government has created a significant amount of exchange restriction on Honda in order to prevent it from entering the USA market. In such circumstances, Honda has decided to increase penetration in the USA motorcycle market with its 50cc super cubs. The company targeted everyday Americans who want small capacity motorcycles and Honda was successful in catering to their demand. In the early 1960s, Honda used the export mode to penetrate in the automobile market of North America but in later years, the company decided to set manufacturing facilities in USA and decrease its export portfolio (by the end of 1996, total the American investment of Honda had touched $3.8 billion) (refer to the case study). The value chain and VRIN analysis done in Appendices 5 & 4 shows that technological resources have helped Honda to achieve competitive advantage in many cases. For example, the company has doubled its technological capabilities in the research and development section in North America, which has resulted in manufacturing Accord SE-i that is brilliant in performance but $10,000 cheaper than the competitors’ car with the similar capacity (refer to the Honda case study). The strategic purpose of Honda can be unde rstood by analysing its organisational structure which reflects its mission, vision and value system. Honda has stated its value as â€Å"proceed always with ambition and youthfulness†(refer to the Honda case study). Senior executives and the chairman of the company prefer to work together in manufacturing units in order to create the sense of belongingness among workers and ensure that the company is delivering technologically superior and quality products to customer. Such level of integrity and resilience has helped the company to revert the negative situation when export of cars from Japan to USA also dropped from 3.4 million to 1.7 million in 1992 in comparison to 1987 (refer to Appendix 6). Although the road to enter the international market was not an easy ride for Honda because the company faced a diminishing trend in demand in the USA market in the initial years, but later on product innovation such as its 50cc motor cycles, light duty trucks (T-360), sports truck ( S-500), CVCC engine (compound vortex controlled combustion) (Frank, 2003), or development of SED (sales, production, engineering and development) system has helped the company to become one of the market leaders in both the domestic and international markets (refer to the Hon
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Eggettes Restaurant in San Francisco Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Eggettes Restaurant in San Francisco - Essay Example Recommendations Operating in a competitive environment, Eggettes should adopt strategies that would make it more competitive. As such, the restaurant should include delivery services in its operations so as to compete with other similar restaurants like Waffle. Introduction of waiter services would also ensure that service in the restaurant becomes faster and efficient especially for the mixologist who has to get orders from customers and make them their desired drinks on top of other duties performed concurrently. Being an internet cafe, the management should make use of this capacity to automate its employee scheduling. Employees should be able to book their off days online and the store owner works on it. This would make this operation more effective and simpler for the store owner. Section I – Introduction Eggettes is an average class fast food restaurant in San Francisco, 3136 Noriega Street in the Outer Sunset neighborhood hence providing ample parking to its customers w hich is offered free in front of the restaurant. It serves different kinds of Chinese fast foods and desserts and beverages including tea and coffee. The restaurant operates between 11 am and 10 pm from Sunday to Thursday and 11 am to 11 pm on Fridays and Saturdays. This internet cafe has the capacity and ability to handle group customers who could perhaps choose to have a biting in the restaurant as they hold their meetings. Though it does not offer delivery services, waiter service or allow for outdoor sitting, it has take-out services. The restaurant does not accept credit cards and does not allow for reservations (Eggettes 2009). But the restaurant offers various benefits to its... The study involved qualitative analysis of the desired employees’ attributes and the practice in scheduling employees. As such, qualitative data was collected through observation and engagement with the respective employees, particularly the mixologist and the store owner. These data were then analyzed and then conclusions and recommendations were made. This report makes a conclusion that waiter services would go a long way in ensuring high customer service levels are attained. The tasks that a mixologist for instance has to accomplish are too much and in as much as such workers are meant to ensure customer satisfaction, fatigue could hinder them from fully accomplishing this. Waiter services could considerably reduce the one minute standard waiting period for customers. It would even attract more customers who seek to be served. Caution should be taken however to ensure that the waiters and those preparing orders like the mixologist understand each other so as not to disappoint customers with serving below their expectations. Due to the availability of internet in the restaurant, the store owner should consider introducing a computerized duty scheduler. When an employee logs in and books a specific off duty date, the date automatically becomes unavailable to other employees. This should relay to the restaurant’s server and a ccessible to the store owner. It would thus be easier planning the monthly schedule of how employees would have their off duty days.
Monday, November 18, 2019
Walmart Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Walmart - Assignment Example This is mainly due to the below stated points: Flexibility in price- in remote areas, the stores of Wal-Mart desire to offer discounted prices in various products. As a result of which, a wide range of customers of varied living standards and life styles might access its products and services to a certain extent. Due to which, the image and supremacy of Wal-Mart enhanced thereby amplifying its profitability and reliability. Wide range of products- in order to attain economies of scale, the organization of Wal-Mart desired to offer extremely trendy and fashionable products to its customers. As a result of which, the level of trust and loyalty of the customers increased that improved its supremacy and market value to a certain extent. Good relationship with the suppliers- due to good relationship with the suppliers, the organization of Wal-Mart became successful in attaining its products very quickly at any part of the world. Due to which, the level of trust and consistency of the customers over this brand enhanced significantly that improved its level of sustainability. Every day low price (EDLP) - every day low price is one of the most important strategies that helped Wal-Mart to attain its reputation and popularity in the market among other rival players. This type of pricing strategy enhanced the demand of the customers that amplified its total profitability to a significant extent (Mathews, 467-488). In order to enhance the market share and reputation in the market, Wal-Mart is trying to implement the strategy of opening ‘neighborhood stores’ as new formats. This is done in order to evaluate the transferability of competitive advantage of the organization of Wal-Mart among other rival players in this market. Data mining facility- due to the facility of information technology (IT), the processes of the organization of Wal-Mart became extremely easier and quicker. This helped to increase the demand of the customers thereby
Saturday, November 16, 2019
The Battle of Dunkirk
The Battle of Dunkirk Rami Redha The Battle of Dunkirk lasted from around May 25 to June 3, 1940. After the Phony War, the Battle of France began on 10 May, 1940. German armour burst through the Ardennes region and advanced rapidly driving north in the so-called sickle cut. To the east the Germans invaded and subdued the Netherlands and advanced rapidly through Belgium. The combined British, French and Belgian forces were split around Armentià ¨res. The German forces then swept north to capture Calais, holding a large body of Allied soldiers trapped against the coast on the Franco-Belgian border. It became clear to the British that the battle was lost and the question was now how many Allied soldiers could be removed to the relative safety of England before their resistance was crushed. From May 22 preparations for the evacuation began, codenamed Operation Dynamo, commanded from Dover by Vice-Admiral Bertram Ramsay. He called for as many naval vessels as possible as well as every ship capable of carrying 1,000 men within reach. It initially was intended to recover around 45,000 men of the British Expeditionary Force over two days, this was soon stretched to 120,000 men over five days. On May 27 a request was placed to civilians to provide all shallow draught vessels of 30 to 100 feet for the operation, that night was the first rescue attempt. A large number of craft including fishing boats and recreational vessels, together with Merchant Marine and Royal Navy vessels, were gathered and sent to Dunkirk and the surrounding beaches to recover Allied troops. Due to heavy German fire only 8,000 soldiers were recovered. Another ten destroyers were recalled for May 28 and attempted rescue operations in the early morning but were unable to closely approach the beaches although several thousand were rescued. It was decided that smaller vessels would be more useful. The Allied held area was reduced to a 30 sq km by May 28. Operations over the rest of May 28 were more successful, with a further 16,000 men recovered but German air operations increased and many vessels were sunk or badly damaged, including nine destroyers. On May 29, the German armour stopped its advance on Dunkirk leaving the operation to the slower infantry, and the Luftwaffe (Hermann Gà ¶ring, then in great favour with Adolf Hitler, had promised air power alone could win the battle) but due to problems only 14,000 men were evacuated that day. On the evening of May 30 another major group of smaller vessels was dispatched and returned with around 30,000 men. By May 31 the Allied forces were compressed into a 5 km deep strip from La Panne, through Bray-Dunes to Dunkirk, but on that day over 68,000 troops were evacuated with another 10,000 or so overnight. On June 1 another 65,000 were rescued and the operations continued until June 4, evacuating a total of 338,226 troops aboard around 700 different vessels. Source 8 was an artists of the Dunkirk evacuation by Charles cundall, an official war artist. In the painting you can clearly see the smoke from the bombed out harbour there is enough evidence in source 8 to support the interpretation: â€Å"Dunkirk was a great deliverance and a great Defeat†. Source 8 shows how it was deliverance and how it was a Defeat. The source is a painting by Charles Condell he shows lots of ships and people getting to these ships but also show a lot of explosions and mayhem. The deliverance in this painting would be the fact that so many troops are boarding the ships and getting home alive. The disaster in this painting is the fact there are so many dead on the beaches and there are ships on fire. This source cannot however be completely reliable because the painter could not have been on the beach painting this picture so he was either far away or this painting is an image he had remembered from the day. He was also an official war artist so this pa inting could have been used by the government as propaganda to show the British people that despite the bombing and strafing of the beaches the British people never gave up in saving the B.E.F. Source 19 is an account by an RAF pilot of what he saw when he reached the beaches. He mentioned the air attacks on the beaches and said things like
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Electrical Rewiring Essay -- essays research papers
The wiring that was installed in a house many years earlier, or even as recently as a decade ago, may not be adequate for the job it is called upon to do today. A complete rewiring job is in order-or is it? Do not jump to the conclusion that every outlet must be torn out and every receptacle replaced. Many times a less expensive job will serve the purpose. Â Â Â Â Â Is the wiring inadequate because you are using too many lights? Too many floor lamps? Too many radios and TVs? That is seldom the case. The wiring usually is inadequate because you have added many electrical appliances that were not considered or perhaps were not even on the market at the time of the original wiring job. The installation does not provide enough circuits to operate a wide assortment of small kitchen appliances, plus range, water heater, clothes dryer, room air conditioners and other heavy appliances. Some of these operate on 240-volt circuits, which may not be available; others operate at 120 volts but when plugged into existing circuits they overload those circuits. In addition, the service entrance equipment may be just too small for the load. Â Â Â Â Â To analyze the problem of your particular house, ask yourself this: If you disconnected all the appliances, would you have all the lighting circuits you need? The answer is probably yes, which means that your rewiring job is simplified. You will still have to rewire the house, but probably not as completely as at first appeared necessary. Proceed as if you were starting with a house that had never been wired, but leave the existing lighting circuits intact. (These lighting circuits, of course, will include many receptacles used for small loads like a vacuum cleaner, radio, and TV, but not the receptacles for kitchen or laundry appliances.) Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â There is little difference between old and new work, except that in old work there are a great many problems of carpentry. The problem is to cut an opening where a fixture is to be installed, and another where a switch is to be installed, and then to get the cable inside the wall from one opening to the other with the least amount of work and without tearing up the walls or ceilings more than necessary. Â Â Â Â Â One house to be wired may be five years old, another a hundre... ...appliances. Appliances shall have no live parts normally exposed to contact other than those parts functioning as open resistance heating elements, such as the heating elements of a toaster, which are necessarely exposed. The rating of an individual branch circuit shall not be less than the marked rating of the appliance. The branch-circuit rating for an appliance that is continuously loaded, other than a motor operated appliance shall not be less than 125 percent of the marked rating, or not less than 100 percent of the market rating if the branch circuit device and its assembly are listed for continuous loading at 100 percent of its rating. Â Â Â Â Â All appliances shall be protected against overcurrent. If a protective device rating is marked on an appliance, the branch circuit overcurrent device rating shall not exceed the protective device rating marked on the appliance. Â Â Â Â Â A household-type appliance with surface heating elements having a maximum demand of over 60 amperes shall have its power supply subdivided into two or more circuits, each of which should be provided with overcurrent protection rated at not over 50 amperes.
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